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Devo | Present Judgement, Future Hope, God's Mercy | Isaiah 2:1-11

Updated: Dec 16, 2022

Read Isaiah 2:1-11

Every good story must have two things: Excellent Characters and Tension. Without tension you cannot have a story. What creates tension in a story? A incidental incident happens to the characters which is created by a problem. This explains the sudden transition from Isaiah 1 to Isaiah 2.

1. The problem in Isaiah is the sinful nature of Humanity; the mix of cultural practice and worship of false idols that is rendering God’s people impure and defiled.

Structure: Isaiah 1 begins with present judgment—God’s people will be judged. God will bring faithfulness to Zion through appointed leaders and judges. God will bring a future hope to His people through the Messiah and savior of the world Jesus Christ.

Isaiah 2 leans into the future glory or future hope in which God’s people will experience. This points to Revelation 20 and 21. A time where Jesus will judge those who choose not to repent; who choose to abandon Him. A time where the world will see no more war—tools for war will become tools of growth and pruning.

2. God sending Isaiah to His people is an act of both judgement and mercy

Remember, prophets are a person that is called by God to stand before His people and bring edification to them.

Definition of Edifying: instructive or informative in a way that improves the mind or character. 2. Providing moral or intellectual instruction.

Isaiah is trying to bring moral instruction to God’s people. The leadership is entirely corrupt and the “head is sick.” This is why we have a sudden shift from Isaiah 1 to 2. Isaiah is showing God’s people what is to come—future hope. Isaiah 2 leans into the future glory or future hope in which God’s people will experience. This points to Revelation 20 and 21. A time where Jesus will judge those who choose not to repent; who choose to abandon Him. A time where the world will see no more war—tools for war will become tools of growth and pruning.

Why is he doing this? What is Isaiah’s goal? Isaiah is providing the people with what is at stake. We cannot know the greatness of God’s grace and mercy without knowing the depravity of our humanity. We all struggle. We all make mistakes. We will all continue to live in this state but if we know that one day God will bring us home, God will restore peace for those who choose Him, God will come back one day and judge the sin of the world, it will fill our hearts with gratitude and peace knowing that our faith in Him is what saves us from eternal hell.

3. In order to be edified; we must be filled with humility and mercy; not pride and arrogance.

Isaiah turns from future hope to present judgement or present discipline with the House of Jacob (Israel).

This is what He says “Because they are filled with influences from the east, and they are the soothsayers like the Philistines, and they strike bargains with the children of foreigners. Their land has also been filled with silver and gold and there is no end to their treasures; their land has also been filled with horses and there is no end to their chariots…so the common man has been humbled and the man of importance has been abased, but do not forgive them. Enter the rock and hide in the dust from the terror of the LORD and from the splendor of His majesty. The proud look of man will be abased and the loftiness of man will be humbled, and the Lord alone will be exalted in that day.” – Isaiah 2:6-11

In the end the Lord will humble the proud because the proud of become stubborn in their rebellion towards God.

Defintion of Pride: Inordinate (unusually large or excessive self-esteem). 2. A reasonable or justifiable self-respect. 3. confidence and self-respect as expressed by members of a group, typically one that has been socially marginalized, on the basis of their shared identity, culture, and experience:

The problem that is being highlighted in Isaiah 2:5-11 is that this nation, Israel, has become so pride-filled that they think they no longer need God. They have replaced God by breaking the 1st commandment and worshiping other idols and false Gods. In the end, God will humble humanity in order to edify them in His righteousness and righteous ways.

Paul talks about this throughout all of his letters to God’s churches in the new testament. He brings moral instruction to these churches in order for them to stay on track with God—it is not easy to stay focused and on track with God. It is our human nature to fight against what God tells us to do. Remember, this is not talk about salvation—God will save those whom have faith in Him (and only faith) but once we are saved there is a process of pruning, of edifying, of doing life together with God has the head so that we live in His peace, contentment and glory now before we meet Him in heaven.

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.

–1 Thessalonians 5:11

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

– Ephesians 4:29


1. How can you build others up in your church community?

2. What are your thoughts on God’s anger and judgement?

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