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Sept. 14th Sermon | Share The Gospel | Acts 2:36-47.



Read Acts 2:42-47


Our Value Sharing:   


We value the voices in our community. We will make sure that all voices can be heard. We will share our unique perspective and stories to equip His people for works of service and explain the Gospel to those around us. We will learn weekly from the stories shared in our community of what Jesus is doing in our lives. Our community will be confident and wise in knowing when (and how) to share the truth and grace of Jesus.


When it comes to Acts 2:37-47 some commentaries will label this portion of scripture “The Life and practice of the First believers.”  We get to witness a record of this mass revival, this mass salvation story of the chapel that helped birth the church where 3000+ people were saved because of the preaching of Jesus’ good news.  The people repent and literally change their entire lifestyles—they change their mode of living because God is working in their lives through the good news of Jesus Christ.


The Point:  The early church was born out of building a Jesus centered community.  It shared Jesus with each other and those around them.



“Devoting (proskartereo) means ‘exerting great effort to persist in doing something something.’  It indicates action that is continuous and habitual.  Luke uses this term in 1:14 to describe devotion of the 120 to prayer and in 6:4 to refer to the apostles’ devotion to prayer and ministry of the word.  What were the early believers devoted to?”

--The Moody Bible Commentary.



“And they devoted themselves to the Apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.  And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles…and all who believed were together and they had all things in common.  And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need.”

Acts 2:42-45


What was the early church’s, the early Jesus communities’ priority?  What were they devoted to?  The apostle’s teachings.  The teachings passed down by Jesus Christ though the apostles to build the church on the good news of Jesus Christ.  Understand that as this group of believers remained devoted to the apostle’s; then they became more generous, they became closer to God and they started to be transformed by The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit—God Himself. 


This group of believers would share with each other, would attend the temple to worship God, to hear the gospel, and would daily break bread together (both communion and meals).  Sharing was an essential part of the early church’s practice and life—sharing remains a practice that God’s church does today. 


“And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people.  And the Lord added to their number day by day.”

Acts 2:45-47


“Their spiritual unity was manifested in voluntary, compassionate sharing.  This was not socialism or communism.  The purpose was to meet needs and not redistribute wealth.  The early believers considered themselves part of the faithful remnant in Israel, so they continued to worship in the temple.  They also met in individual homes in a more informal setting.”

--Moody Bible Commentary.


Notice how the early church acted like this not because they felt obligation or tyranny but because they felt and knew God’s love—they naturally wanted to share that love with one another.  This is how God transforms our lives, He makes us more like Him, He gives us commands to sanctify us and help us live rightly with Himself and each other. 


Thousands of people were coming to be saved by God through this church—this early community of Jesus believers.


“…And the Lord added to their number day by day.”

--Acts 2:47


In this part of the scripture the church was not yet under persecution or disrupted by internal problems.  Internally there was a spirit of rejoicing and generosity.  Externally, the church was popular, people in Jerusalem and the surrounding area were noticing what was happening.  The people around them respected them and God was bringing more people into their community as they were being saved by hearing and seeing the good news of Jesus Christ. 


“And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell[c] shall not prevail against it.”--Matthew 16:18


Jesus promised to build His church and nothing would stop Him.  Acts 2:47 is the fulfillment of His promise has many are coming to be saved through the power of the Holy Spirit through hearing the gospel proclaimed. 


“Their growth was supernatural and rapid. Christ had kept His earlier promise.  Luke concluded his description of the founding of the church on a note of triumph.”

--Moody Bible Commentary


What is Enrich Life Church for?  What are we do to as a church? 


“As people of the Spirit, at least two ideals emerge:  1. Pentecostals read Acts through the missiological lenses and 2) Pentecostals see the apostles and emerging church of Luke’s account as exemplary for contemporary believers and churches.”

--Marty Middletsat, “Reading Luke-Acts in the Pentecostal Tradition


This is why this current series is called “Acts 2: His Churches Foundation and Values.”  The gospel of Jesus is this church’s foundation and our values come from Acts 2:36-47.  We strive to share our lives with one another.  We strive to share the gospel of Jesus with one another, living in such a counter cultural way full of Christ’s live, devotion, fellowship and truth that others may see it and ask the question:  “who is this Jesus you worship?—How can I know Him?” 


The early church was contagious, what God was doing was contagious, the gospel of Jesus spread from Jerusalem to Rome almost like a virus would, containing the most potent truth ever known to man, Christ loves you, Christ will save you, turn to Him and be saved. 



The Point:  The early church was born out of building a Jesus centered community.  It shared Jesus with each other and those around them.


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3200 Avonhurst Drive, Regina, SK

S4R 3J7

Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, (P.A.O.C.)

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